Empowering Women of All Ages With Biblical Truths To Live a Victorious & Fulfilled Life
About OUR SCHOOL: CLASS STARTS September 12, 2024
SCHOOL OF MANTLES Garment Study’ has expanded and is now integrated into the School of Mantles, a school for women, with Apostle training serving as the teaching method, offering an extended 9-month disciple certificate program. This school is offered every other year.
Registration Is now Open-Dates: July 5, 2024 – September 5, 2024, Graduation Location: TBA Format: Online certificate program Enrollment Date: September 12,2024.
Vision: Train to transform women in their mantles from the inside out, equipping them to manifest strength, anointing, power, grace, and authority by the Holy Spirit in their leadership spheres. To advance and cultivate the Kingdom of God locally and globally.
Mission: Educate, equip, and prepare women of God to understand and use their mantles through a nine-month discipleship diploma program. Focus on moving within mantles rather than just teaching dance.
Our Core Values: Rooted in the principles of the Bible. Belief in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Programs: Identity Series, Garment Study, Mantles 2.0, Alignment, Balance, and Posture, and A Praise Dancer’s Prayer Life. Semesters: September to December-January to March-March to June.
Requirements: Books and Materials: Bible, A Garment of Praise: A Beginner’s Guide and, A Praise Dancer’s Prayer Life (both e-books included) Access To: Google email address, Internet, YouTube, Computer desktop, laptop, or phone, Camcorder or camera phone (as needed) Supplies: Notepad and pen, Liturgical Dance Garment.
Tuition: Total cost: $1,155 (includes registration, tuition, and graduation dues) Payment options: Pay in full (discount price): $997 Or Payment plan: 7 monthly installments of $165.00, which is total cost of tuition. This school is asynchronous, allowing you to learn on your own schedule. We come together once a month for two hours. This school is for leaders, dance members, seamstresses, creatives, and Liturgical Dancers. International students are welcome! * Non-refundable and Non-transferable*
WEBSITE: www.whyimoveliturgicaldance.com
The Gospel according to Jesus, Queen of Heaven
What would happen if Jesus came back to earth right now as a trans woman? Join Queen Jesus for a stunning one woman play, a revolutionary queer ritual for these life changing times. Jo Clifford is an award-winning playwright, translator, poet and performer who travels to us from Scotland to share her message of compassion and love. Jo has written more than 100 plays, many them performed all over the world, including the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, for over 50 years. The Gospel According to Jesus, Queen of Heaven, first performed in 2009, has been translated into 7 languages and performed in 9 countries worldwide. This tour is the first time Jo has performed as Queen Jesus in the US, with performances in Northampton, Boston and Provincetown.
On Sunday June 16th at 5PM, in celebration of Pride Month, Edinburgh-based, award winning trans playwright, Jo Clifford will perform her stunning one-woman show The Gospel According to Jesus, Queen of Heaven at The Cathedral Church of St Paul at 138 Tremont St Boston. Doors open at 4:30PM; a suggested $10 donation can be given at the door. A reception in the church parlor to follow.
Welcoming Joy Conference
Join women from Boston and New England at our 2nd collaborative conference! Welcoming Joy: Acknowledging Suffering, Holding Fast to Hope, is our Christian response to the reality of pain and suffering in our lives, our city, and in the world. As women, we experience emotional, psychological, and physical pain such as the loss of a relationship, the death of a loved one, chronic pain, and even depression. We also may watch helplessly as others suffer extreme loss in their life. Yet, our faith asks that we remain hopeful in the midst of affliction. “Count it all joy, my {sisters} when you meet trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith produces patience”. (James 1:2). But how do we count it joy when our heart is in despair? That is just one of the many questions we will consider at this conference.
Jesus’ life provides a model for joy and hope. In Hebrews 12:2b it says For the joy set before him, he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Register here today, and join this conversation on Joy: how to welcome, embrace, and persevere in it!