Together Towards Gospel Movement
The Church & Civic Engagement
Resources for Reaching Across Partisan Divides
Migrant Care
Opportunities to Support Our New Neighbors
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Book Author Interview: Missionary Priest: A Spiritual Memoir by Fr. Thomas Ryan, CSP
ENGAGE: Volunteer and Staff Opportunities with the Navigators in Boston
Neighborhood Dinners
Uniting to Love Our Neighbors
UB Blog
Relevant Stories Celebrating God's Work in Boston
Hear What Others Have To Say
UniteBoston has been a moving force in the city of Boston. To receive their newsletters has allowed me to hear and see God’s work and how He is moving in the city. We run an organization in Haiti and UniteBoston has allowed me to connect with other local Haitians, churches, organizations, and events. As we see God moving in our city I believe it is important that we come together on one front and UniteBoston has begun to birth that unity.
UniteBoston has been very helpful as I have transitioned to living in the city. I truly feel connected to other Christians in Boston simply because UB has made it easy for me! Also, it’s been a great way for Starlight Ministries to expand its support base and have a larger voice in the Christian community. I’m thankful for UB both personally and professionally.
I am a pastor who is an immigrant and established a new church and ministry one year ago. Through UniteBoston I met many ministers in Boston, and I was able to have fellowship with them. I was able to learn many things from them and the information that UniteBoston provides. I was impressed so much by the purpose of UniteBoston and UniteBoston’s members’ sacrificial devotion to God that I have been praying for UniteBoston ever since I met UniteBoston’s team members. I think that the UniteBoston ministry is very important in these days and I pray that God may support its ministry abundantly so that it can produce much fruit for God’s salvation work through its church-uniting ministry.
This forum has opened my eyes to the many ways the Church is expanding and meeting critical needs, by providing opportunities for leadership development, community empowerment and social services. It is truly creating a framework within which separate missions can come together and share resources so that we can do God’s work in this city more effectively.
UniteBoston is pioneering a vision that originates in God's heart: to see us transition from a church divided by denominational and ethnic enclaves, to a city-wide Church with a common identity in Jesus Christ and unbreakable love for one another.
It was through the UniteBoston website that I was made aware of many important events in the city beyond my usual circle of contacts.
PEER Servants has benefited by additional attendees in many of our events since we started posting those events through UniteBoston. Beyond the numbers, there is the blessing of breaking down our organizational borders and gaining a sense that we are all part of something much bigger than our own missions or taglines.
UniteBoston has already made countless connections across cultural lines and has the potential to be a powerful tool through which God unites the Church, and ultimately the Greater Boston community.
UniteBoston is committed to the causes of Christ and the re-establishment of true unity.
I applaud the efforts of my good friends at UniteBoston as they have served to connect the body of Christ in our city. We need their vision and hard work to bring the church together to better serve the purpose of God in Boston.
I appreciate UniteBoston's grassroots efforts to connect the Christian community in Greater Boston. The Emmanuel Gospel Center places a high value on Christian unity and cooperation, and I am grateful for UniteBoston's energy and creativity in bringing these ideals to a more tangible reality.