Do you want to learn more about the theology behind Christian unity?
UniteBoston’s Executive Director Kelly Fassett preached at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary this past Wednesday. Her sermon was titled “Transforming Hostility into Enemy-Embracing Love.” Jesus redefined who we should associate with and modeled enemy-embracing love, even for the people that were nailing him to the cross. The sermon is centered on the scripture text Ephesians 2:11-22, which emphasizes Jesus’ reconciling peace, and the work of Christ that destroyed hostility between Jews and Gentiles.
“For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, by setting aside in his flesh the law with its commands and regulations. His purpose was to create in himself one new humanity out of the two, thus making peace, and in one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, by which he put to death their hostility. He came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near.” (Ephesians 2:14-17)
As Christians, how can people believe that we are reconciled to God, if we aren’t reconciled to one another? Kelly believes that there is one major component that is preventing unity and reconciliation: hostility. She highlights four steps we can take to uncover the hostility we may be holding towards other Christians by:
- Reflecting on which Christian groups we consider to be outside of the “true Christian church”
- Going with curiosity to learn from people and worship settings
- Reflecting and discerning which aspects of their faith that you want to adopt into your own Christian practice
- Speaking well of fellow Christians and treating them as if they were the living, breathing body of Christ
She states boldly that Christian unity is a process by which the church is brought to maturity (Eph 2:21-22, Eph 4:15-16). Our differences even among Christians seem to lead to intractable polarization and division – Listen to the sermon below to reflect, learn and grow together across the diversity of Christian belief and practice.
What a beautiful revelation of Jesus Christ and the testimony of our Lord and Savior! Thank you Kelly.
Certainly our common enemy is ripping the Church right and left and hardly anyone is noticing. The spirit of Anti Christ has been active in the Church since it’s inception and today is utilizing the political gospel to take our eyes off Jesus unwittingly. Gods “ big three” in Scripture are the great commandment; ( which includes really loving our “enemies”) the great commission ( making disciples of Jesus Christ; not of a politician or any political party) and Gods Great prophetic purpose for Christ’s body in John 17 for our unity to be based purely on Jesus precious perfect new covenant blood offered in heaven for our eternal redemption, “ so the world may believe You have sent Me.” Satan hates Jesus new covenant blood which binds us together In Him and will do anything possible, including profound spiritual delusion, to obscure our blood unity in Him including the political gospel. The “ whole world lies in the power of the evil one” ( 1 John 5:19) causing many who profess Christ with their lips to be at enmity with God through “friendship with the world” and “at enmity with God.” ( James) Paul describes this as friendship with the world. The spiritual delusion is that Gods Kingdom can be bought to earth through the political gospel. Love is patient. Love and patience are a fruit of the Spirit. Those who believe they are disciples of Jesus will think about Jesus in their hearts and continually proclaim the excellencies of God to each other and this lost world for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.
Jesus new covenant blood is the most powerful unifying force in the entire universe. The political gospel only divides, confuses and makes Christ’s body impotent which is Satan’s primary goal. As we fix the eyes of our hearts on Jesus blood division will “ fly out” of Christ’s body! For Christ Himself is NOT divided!
Bless you sister