By Alexis Monroe
“Together Again” is UniteBoston’s first big concert since the COVID-19 pandemic began. Taking place on September 17th in downtown Boston, this concert is the opportunity for Christians to come together in a public place to worship. Not only that, we also get to help the city of Boston get a glimpse of what a diverse and loving Christian community looks like – This is why we would like everyone who has a heart to see Boston glorify God to come worship with us!
My name is Alexis Monroe and I’ve had the privilege of working behind the scenes to help facilitate the logistics for the concert – and today I’d like to share with you some reasons why you should attend!
Reason #1: It’s going to be a big reunion!
Over the last two years, we have not been able to gather as a large body of Christians due to the COVID-19 pandemic. While this kept us physically safe, at times, this isolation and social distance brought on feelings of loneliness. “Together Again” is the perfect opportunity to reclaim the feelings of joy, love, and embrace that we find when we are gathered as a community of believers. This year’s concert is a great opportunity to meet up with old friends, stumble upon a work colleague walking through the park, or meet another fellow Christian who also wants to feel and share the love of Christ.
Reason #2: There’s going to be great music!
We have an incredible line-up of Boston-based artists who are performing, including the Christian hip-hop artists Caleb McCoy & Jalen Williams, the deep soul music of Jen Aldana, rich guitar jams from Doully Yang, and the bilingual rap revivalist Ada Betsabe. This year, we also have a community choir with the core of “God’s Chosen” from Gordon College, as well as our usual united worship band. Join us to support Boston-based artists and to hear great jams that are glorifying God filling the heart of the city!
Reason #3: Boston needs to see the love of Jesus Christ
The Bible says that Christians are a light set on a hill that all the world needs to see (Mt 5:14) – So let’s let our light shine! As our society continues to be divided, love can often seem intangible, but as believers in Jesus Christ, we know the love of God is always around us. “Together Again” is the chance for us to show Boston that love comes in all shapes, sizes, races, ethnicities, abilities, and languages. While we worship and praise our God, the light we hold will shine brightly through the city. We invite you to help us shine this light.
Reason #4: We have giveaways to help you stay “Together Again”
Our “Together Again” concert is not just about being together for this one night, but we also want to provide you with opportunities to experience the joy of community with some amazing giveaways! All of our giveaways are activities you can do with someone else. Whether that’s learning how to roller skate at Chez Vous with a buddy, grabbing a matching tee or hoodie from Hope Design, a group workout session with a friend, or a photoshoot with your bestie, our giveaways will help you do something new with someone you love. You can enter to win one of these giveaways by RSVPing on our Facebook page and commenting on our giveaway posts.
Reason #5: We get to be a church without walls
As a body of believers, we often meet within buildings in cities and places we are familiar with, but may be unfamiliar and foreign to someone who has never attended church. When we worship in public places, it gives people who normally would not step into a church building the opportunity to witness authentic worship. With a variety of musical performance styles, a diverse band and community choir, as well as community tables with churches and organizations throughout the city, this is a great way for some people to see Christianity!
Please join us for the concert and help to spread the word! You can RSVP here via Facebook to receive notifications and enter special giveaways we have just for you. – Local organizations and businesses are also invited to host a Sponsored Table during our fall concert to help connect with all the people who attend!