On August 21, 2017, more than 400 people came out to a worship night in Boston Common. This event took place in the Parkman Bandstand, which was the same location as the “free speech” rally one week beforehand. While last week, the bandstand was the center of conflict in Boston, this week it was a call for peace from the God who can bring it.
We don’t believe that the answer will be ultimately found in politics or just in human effort but in the work of God who has the power to change hearts and bring peace to the world.
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”
-Jesus, in John 14:27
“Seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.”
-Jeremiah 29:7
“UniteBoston made the love of God visible in Boston on August 26th. God’s peace paid us a visit because it is only when we come together to love one another, that God’s peace will show up.”
-Read Rev. David Nunez’s blog about his experience
“I was surprised by the movement of God in my heart that night. I was inspired to commit to deeper prayer about a specific issue that divides churches. I went home hopeful, feeling the weight of what’s to come, and grateful.”
-Jessica Van Nest Mason, Forest Hills Covenant Church
“This event was attractive and attracted all kinds of people. Passersby were stopping to sign up, asking questions. This reaches people who would never otherwise have the idea of Christian unity or even consider a church. And it also literally puts Jesus in the heart of Boston. Right on the Common, the oldest park in America and a training field for the Revolutionary army. As ever, the simple act of all different people coming together to lift up the Name of Jesus is the witness to the world that He is Lord. Our response to hate is the Ancient Love. Our response to being created by God is to love Him and to share that with the city. As the lights came one in the buildings and the moon came up in the dark blue velvet sky, we planted God’s love in the heart of Boston.”
-Dr. Vito Nicastro, Archdiocese of Boston and UB Board Chair
“I found my faith in Christ through a powerful worship experience, so my favorite part was seeing people who wouldn’t normally step inside a church building experience Christian worship and the presence of God. Plus, when people asked which church we were from, we said, “all of them!” I’ve found that the presence of God is magnified as we come together to seek Him.”
-Kelly Steinhaus, UniteBoston Team Leader
“I really appreciated praying and worshipping the Lord in this spot specifically, where only a week before there was darkness at our doorstep.”
-David Yazenko, Park Street Church
“Thank you UniteBoston and others who helped to make this night possible. God did so much in my heart that night. I don’t even know where to begin! I will suffice it to say that I had the God-given pleasures of praying with several different people; the chance to witness one person pray for God’s forgiveness and ask Him to make her more like Him; an opportunity to connect with believers across congregations and the awesome privilege to witness firsthand what it looks like to see the Body of Christ at work and the beautiful things that come out of that unity. After this event God has given me a newfound love and passion for the city of Boston and the people that live here. I am so excited for what he is doing in the city of Boston. Indeed the harvest is ripe! Let’s each be a part of asking Him to send out more laborers and volunteering to be those laborers!”
-Cleopatra Mohammed, Mars Hill Fellowship Church
“I was on the commons that night and felt the Presence of the God come & rest on us and that whole area of downtown Boston….. Suddenly i noticed all the trees, the grass, the buildings, the street lights, the sky with the moon rising and the people looked so beautiful, and a deep sense of JOY filled my heart….. I believe this was the Lord’s pleasure with our worship and the unity of the Bride.”
-Michele, The Bridge Church
“A wonderful testimony to the power unified public worship to not only refresh, inspire, and empower the Body of Christ, but to also serve as a powerful means of evangelism to those not connected to the faith. The evangelism effect likely would not have occurred if this event was held inside the four walls of a church–very exciting!”
-Rev. Mark Orr, Executive Director of REACH Youth New England
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What’s Next: UniteBoston Neighborhood Dinners
Hi Kelly
I hope all is well, i thank God for what you are doing to unite the body of Christ. Please let me know about your upcoming events.
God bless you.
Hi Veronica! Thanks for your encouragement for our work with UniteBoston. You can find out about our events through UniteBoston’s website and newsletter – God bless you and your work for the kingdom of God in our city!