The UniteBoston Summer worship night will take place in August, but the planning has already begun! On Tuesday March 19th, two dozen pastors and leaders gathered into a room at Park Street Church to collaborate together about the UniteBoston worship night. Special thanks to Pastor Michael Balboni from Park Street Church for hosting us, as well as The Well Coffeehouse for donating the coffee and pastries!

The gathering was led by Kelly Fassett, UniteBoston’s team leader, and Chloe Gaydos, UniteBoston’s worship night coordinator and band manager. The afternoon began with sharing why Christian unity matters and the history of the UniteBoston worship night. Tom Baskett also shared a powerful testimony from his experience directing last year’s worship team. Click here to check out the photo gallery and a video from last year’s summer worship night.
The ministry leaders also broke up into collaborative groups to dream about what each person wanted to see at a public worship night, and how participating in the worship night might impact local congregations. Here are a few key ideas that people shared:
- Testimonies and spoken word
- Highlighting the diversity to understand what we’re seeing/experiencing through different forms of worship
- Incorporate building relationships across churches/traditions
- Evangelism – Prayer tent, potentially part of a serve weekend
- Supporting young adults and their role in the leadership of the church
- Organizing the evening around God’s big story, including creation, the fall, lamenting our disunity publicly, and redemption in Jesus Christ
- Do you have any other ideas? Please email with anything you’d like to see at the UB worship night!

Finally, Chloe Gaydos went through the practicals of the worship night, including different options for the budget. Click here to view the Powerpoint presentation from the afternoon.
The beautiful thing about a vision like this is that it will take all of us participating in different ways, through prayer, resources, and finances, so we’d love to have you involved! If you are a pastor or ministry leader, please click here to take our 2-minute survey about how you’d like you and your church to be involved. If you are interested in volunteering on one of the teams, including the musician, logistics, or prayer teams, email Chloe Gaydos, We are pleased to share that $3,300 has been pledged thusfar for the worship night – yahoo!
We really appreciate your prayers and support for this opportunity to worship Jesus in the heart of Boston. We know that a public worship night is just one of many ways by which Christians can attest to the reconciling power of the gospel, for the glory of God and the good of the city – Thank you for joining in!
With hope,