It’s been incredible to momentum growing for the upcoming UniteBoston worship night – over 950 people have already indicated that they are interested/attending the event on Facebook! One of the most beautiful aspects is the diversity of people represented on our worship team.
A few members of the band include:
- A Catholic singer/songwriter
- A Protestant drum teacher from Berklee
- A Nondenominational Gospel Singer
- A Boston-based Rap Artist
- An Indie/Jazz Worship Leader
- A Messianic Jewish Musician
- A Latino Worship Leader
- A young man from one of the first Pentecostal churches in Indonesia
With our diversity, we seek to be a witness of the power of a reconciling, loving, redeeming God…See below to meet the members of the worship team!
Name: Korleen Sheridan
Instrument: Guitar & Vocals
Home Church: St Cecilia Parish (Roman Catholic Church)
“The worship night allows people to experience God’s love through song. To be able to bring Boston together to showcase this unconditional love is powerful, humbling and transformative.”
Name: Caleb McCoy (
Instrument: Vocals
Home Church: Neighborhood Church of Boston
“I am excited to worship with a diverse group of people from different backgrounds. I think the fact that the worship team is represented by different races, denominations, and styles of worship will make this night extra special.”
Name: Jireh Calo
Instrument: Piano & Voice
Jireh is a graduate of Berklee in Contemporary Writing & Production, and an incoming master’s student for the Berklee Global Jazz graduate program
Home Church: Revive Community Church
“The more I grew as a believer, the more I felt the desire and need for more unity within the Church. We may attend different churches and come from diverse backgrounds, but as believers of the risen Christ, we are all essentially part of one Church — God’s church. Together we embody Christ. I am so excited to be part of UniteBoston’s worship night because I get to worship together with my fellow brothers and sisters!”
Name: Ola Olukorede
Instrument: Vocals
Home Church: Dayspring Chapel (Non-Denominational)
“I’m excited to worship with an amazing group of people who are determined to make a difference. We want to show the world that a new generation of Christians are rising. God is equipping His people – We are God’s instruments of praise to shake up the city of Boston, for His glory.”
Name: Ope Olukorede
Instrument: Vocals
Home Church: Dayspring Chapel (Non-Denominational)
“I love the idea of bringing people of different ages, backgrounds and even denominations together to worship the one true God. I am excited to sing and worship God with my friends, family and city! I cannot wait to see where God brings us next as we pour our hearts out to him on this special night! ”
Name: Joseph Miterko
Instrument: I am a pianist, percussionist, and vocalist. I have been playing piano since the age of 5. After attending Berklee College of music, gigging in quite a few venues, and doing some teaching, I finally settled down and am now teaching at the Yamaha Music School of Boston.
Home Church: Ruach Israel (Messianic Jewish)
“It’s always amazing to worship with other Believers from an array of backgrounds! You never know what is going to happen next….I’m excited to see God do something new and exciting in our midst.”
Name: Christian Schmutz
Instrument: Drums (Berklee graduate ’15 in Drum Set Performance)
Home Church: Antioch Community Church (Non-Denominational)
“I really believe that when believers come together as one body to worship, we get an idea of what the Heavenly throne room will be like. It was such a beautiful thing to see God move during the worship gathering last year. I’m excited again this year because I believe this gathering really ministers to the heart of God, blesses his church, and is a powerful step in the advancement of the kingdom here in Boston!”
Name: Chae Rin Park
Instrument: Voice
Chae Rin grew up listening to church music and started going to music school since when she was 17, and she is currently attending Berklee College of Music.
Home Church: City Life Church (Presbyterian)
“I have been on tours around the US for Korean Churches on a team called “True Worshippers 12.” Since I’ve been in school, I haven’t had a chance to participate on a praise team. I am excited to be a part of this worship night with people to praise and worship God.”
Name: Ben Hills
Instrument: Sound Team
Home Church: First Presbyterian Church Northshore
“I’m excited to see people from all different denominational backgrounds worship Our Creator as one body. It’ll be a distant echo of when we are united in the new heavens and new earth.”
Name: Calvin Limuel
Instrument: Keyboard, graduate of Berklee College of Music (Jazz Piano/Drums Performance, Contemporary Writing and Production)
Home Church: Anchor Church Boston (Assemblies of God/Pentecostal), Forest Hills Covenant Church (ECC), Heart Change Fellowship (EFCA), Gereja Pantekosta di Indonesia (Pentecostal Church of Indonesia/International Church of Foursquare Gospel Network).
“One of the aspects that I enjoy in my ministries and musical occupations is diversity. I’ve played different kinds of music, both inside and outside the church setting. I’ve been engaging in conversations with Christians of different denominations and theological understandings, but also I’ve been exposed to different cultures and languages. I see myself personally as a mesh of all these things, and it’ll be beautiful to see those things manifested in a night of worship.”
Name: Jordan Knott
Instrument: Vocals
Home Church: The Shepherd’s House, Woburn, MA
“Though I’m from Northern Mass, I attended UniteBoston’s Worship Night last year. It was so refreshing to worship with the body of Christ in such an open area. I have been a worship leader at my church and campus ministry for years. I knew I wanted to be apart of this amazing event this year! It’s an honor to meet all the diverse and talented people that help to make it happen!”
Name: Alyssa Fuller
Home Church: Alyssa is a member of Hillsong Boston and is the technical director for Hillsong.
Instrument: vocals, cello, and piano
“I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body,whether by life or by death. For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain”
Name: Ben Laine
Home Church: Victory Chapel (Pentecostal)
Instrument: Guitar/Vocals
Influenced by his drummer father, Ben started playing the drums at 6 years old. He picked up the saxophone at 9 and piano at age 10. Since then, he has heavily focused on piano, singing and songwriting. Many of his songs are influenced by life struggles and his faith in God. Ben’s music is a pop/rock sound, with heavy piano and rhythmic parts. Through his music, Ben wants to reach out to the lost and give hope to a world in need.
“I’m super excited to be worshipping with such amazing people and ushering the spirit of God into Boston and All of New England!”
Name: Ronald Ayala
Instrument: Electric Bass
Home Church: Hillsong Church
“I’m excited about UniteBoston because I believe that there is power in worship. It allows us to bring people from different backgrounds to create an atmosphere that is entirely devoted to bringing God glory.”
Name: Volt Jingjit
Instrument: Violin
Volt is a graduate of Berklee School of Music in Violin Performance, and he was also a part of the Berklee Global Jazz Institute.
Home Church: Mars Hill Fellowship
“I have been on worship teams since I was young. After I moved to Boston, I was far from my home in Thailand, but God is always the same, and God’s presence has stayed with me. The UniteBoston worship team feels like family to me; I enjoy that together we have a thirsty heart to worship and praise God!”
Name: Erich Clark
Role: Sound/Tech. Erich Clark has over two decades of live and recorded sound engineering experience. He started in bars, meeting halls, and private recording studios. In 2006, he attached himself to Ipswich Presbyterian as media tech, trainer, and renovator.
“The family of God in Boston is so colorful, talented, and skilled. Bringing top notch music that glorifies God to such a beautiful park is a life changing experience.”
Name: Tom Baskett
Role: Tom is this year’s UniteBoston Worship Team Director. Tom is also a singer, percussionist, producer and teacher on the faculty of Berklee College of Music. He specializes in gospel, R&B and jazz, and has directed music and worship events throughout Boston and the U.S., and in Asia and Africa.
Home Church: Tom currently worships at Highrock Church Cambridge and Highrock Church Arlington. He comes from a long line of Black American gospel singers, preachers, teachers and church leaders.
“I am moved and thrilled to worship with the universal Body of Christ in Boston! Stretching over divisions of race, language, nationality and generation makes us more like God, Who transcends all barriers and breaks every chain.”
Name: Chloe Gaydos
UB Role: Worship Team Coordinator
Home Church:
Congregation Lion of Judah
What Chloe enjoys about UB:
“My transition to Boston is vibrant because of my relationships with other Christians who are different than me. When I’m with the UB volunteers, I feel another level of love and support that I want my city to also experience. Through UB, I have not only learned about the power of Christian unity, but I have also experienced the impact firsthand through planning the worship night.”
About Chloe:
Chloe works in the consultant field in Boston. She loves to climb, play the drums, and serve the community in her spare time.

First UB Worship Team Rehearsal

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