This year’s theme for the upcoming UniteBoston Celebration of Worship, “Engage Boston,” encourages Christians in Boston to grow in their Christian faith together by celebrating their differences. It’s been truly inspiring to see the event directors develop the theme by sharing their diverse denominational and professional perspectives, to make the event a welcoming environment where people of all backgrounds may connect in meaningful ways. Meet the directors below and see what the theme of “Engage Boston” means to them!
Name: Kelly Fassett
Position: UniteBoston Team Leader
Home Church: River of Life Church
“To me, the word “engage” conveys a connection between people. There is a great need to engage Boston by breaking down walls between Christians of differing backgrounds and also engage relationally with onlookers who are attending the worship gathering. We must also be sensitive to the type of engagement we have–always invitational and authentic rather than forced or coercive. As Christians, we have so much in common, and I’ve seen that as we come together, more and more people recognize that the things that bind us together in Christ are stronger than anything dividing us.”
Name: Chloe Gaydos
Position: Production Coordinator Director
Home Church: Reality Church
“I’m super excited to see the new aspects of worship we are bringing into the production this year, and to work alongside our institutional partners in the Metro Boston area. Engage Boston means that as a Christian, I have been called to step outside of my comfort zone to relate to other Christians from different backgrounds. If I prioritize those relationships, then I will be able to repaint a picture of what my non-Christian friends see as the role that faith plays in my life.”
Name: Kevin Martin:
Position: Sound and Technology Production Director
Home Church: Revive Community Church
“I am excited to be part of something that helps God grow His Kingdom exponentially in the Metro Boston Area and beyond. I was invited to last year’s Celebration of Worship, and I fell in love seeing the concept of Christian Unity being played out before my eyes, which was precisely the type of environment I had been praying about. We have to understand the “stage” God has given us at our fingertips with this opportunity. Youth, top performers, many countries represented, we have the equation for a perfect storm! If I or we, are too caught up in ourselves or the talent and details, we miss an opportunity to be a witness to someone new about Jesus and God’s greater collective mission.”
Name: Bil Mooney-Mccoy:
Position: Music Production Director
Home Church: River of Life Church
“I am looking forward to getting to know and play with a great group of musicians. “Engage Boston” is a chance for the church of Boston to join together, celebrate Jesus’ love, and share the Gospel. Engaging in Christian unity reveals that Christ’s love transcends all the things that naturally separate us.”
Name: Alana Mann
Position: Director of Marketing and Development
Home Church: North Shore Community Baptist
“I am excited about creating a safe place for Christians to engage their community, which is what I believe is a large part of our goal with this Celebration of Worship. “Engage” to me can mean many things, but in this context it means to not remain stagnant in your walk with Christ. It is so easy to just coast through life, and choosing to engage can be one of the most difficult things for a person because it isn’t always easy. Yet leading an engaged life can bring friendship, unity, and ultimately joy to one’s life through choosing to stay engaged in your walk with Christ.”
Name: Jenna Higgins
Position: UniteBoston Prayer Team Co-Leader
Home church: Netcast Church, First Presbyterian Church Danvers
“I am excited about bringing the transforming and healing love of Jesus to everyone we meet. Imagine what we could do when we join together in unity, the world will see the power and glory of Jesus shining through us.”
Name: Carolina de Jesus
Position: UniteBoston Prayer Team Co-Leader
Home church: International Family Church
“I’m excited to see the diversity of the body of Christ fully exemplified through this worship experience. When Christians are united, amazing things happen! God is not a boring God- so it’s exciting to see the wealth of gifts, talents and expressions of His love through all who will be there on August 17th!”

The personal witness of those who are “making this event happen” is truly inspiring! How wonderful in this “low water” time in the ecumenical movement to hear such personal witness to the energizing and transforming effects of more clearly manifesting our deep-down unity in Christ!