This fall, UniteBoston is launching neighborhood dinners!
These dinners are designed to create possibilities of friendships between Christians of different backgrounds and open up conversation about our united mission of revealing Jesus’ love to our neighbors. But, we know that you have a lot going on. So why should you make this a priority?
1. It’s rooted in historic Christian tradition. Jesus asked us to remember Him by celebrating the Lord’s supper, which originally began as a shared meal around a common table. This practice has continued throughout the centuries, where Christians gather to offer thanksgiving to God and share stories of God’s work in our lives.
2. It’s simple. We all have to eat – So why not gather for a meal with great people? We know that it can be hard to travel clear across the city after a long day, so the dinners will take place in your neighborhood to make it easier for all to participate.
3. You can participate as much or as little as you are able. When you sign up, you can indicate if you’d like to cook, coordinate, or simply attend the neighborhood dinners. Whether you’re a pastor or new to the Christian faith, you’re welcome to attend!
4. Shared conversations are often the catalyst for something greater. Our goal with the neighborhood meals is to cultivate relationships, and allow our relationships to inform how we pray for one another, how we serve the city, and how we understand our unique role within the larger body of Christ. As we come together, there is synergy and God begins to reveal things that we can do together, that we could never accomplish working independently. We envision neighborhood prayer groups, worship nights, and/or collaborative service projects to emerge as we gather together. Dream big with God!
5. We are better together. There are an abundance of churches in Boston, and yet often little to no communication between churches even on the same street. Every part of the body of Christ has something to offer and something to learn from the others. What do you and your church community bring to the larger Christian community?
Join in!
Sign up by visiting this website:
We appreciate your help in getting the word out! Click on the letter below to download and share with colleagues, pastors, and other Christians in the city. Once we have enough interest within one geographic area, we can launch that neighborhood dinner.
UB Neighborhood Dinners Invitation Letter
Together, we are the body of Christ, yet often we focus on what divides us. Come and be enriched by the beautiful diversity of Christians in our city. Might there be more in common than we first think?