This year, UniteBoston started a “Holy Week Pilgrimage” as an opportunity to join together with other Christians throughout Boston to to remember the significance of Christ’s life, death and resurrection.
We know that it can be intimidating to go to a new church, so each of these gatherings were hosted by a member of the UB team who met the group beforehand and to walk us through the worship service.
It was awesome to see how God molded and shaped our understanding of Christ and His Church by attending these gatherings. Below are a few pictures and testimonies.
Unity is a process by which the Church is brought to maturity. Be encouraged by what God is doing to better reconcile each of us to God and to one another!
“I have been looking for ways to explore different Christian traditions than the one I grew up in to deepen my faith and my practice of connecting with God. Going to the Taize prayer service at the Paulist Center during Unite Boston’s Holy Week pilgrimage was exactly what I needed – a way to connect to other people and to God using prayer and worship styles that are less familiar. I would not have known about the Taize Service otherwise.”
-Christa Lee-Chuvala, Boston Faith and Justice Network
“Attending Taize prayer at the Paulist Center was an amazing experience! The crucifix sculpture, lighting, and the ambiance carved a meaningful space for reflection and silence. This was the perfect Holy Week observation activity for me.”
-Alice Liu
Below: Friday’s “Living Stations of the Cross” Event that was Featured in the Boston Globe

“The Good Friday presentation of the Stations of the Cross that was dramatically depicted in word, music and physical performance in the Copley Square plaza was an experience I’m glad I didn’t miss. It was a somber reenactment of Jesus’ crucifixion and the overcast and drizzly weather befit the presentation. And, though somber, it was powerful and moving and thought-provoking; a presentation that caused me, and I imagine many others, to ponder again the love of God, revealed in Jesus Christ, for all of humankind.”
-Matt Crane, Institute for Christian Unity
“Participating in the Stations of the Cross was great – Liturgical services are very inspirational to me because they are so full of Scripture. It was a privilege to be there!”
-Bruce Swan
“Attending the Holy Week service was truly a blessing. It was my first time attending a liturgical worship service. It allowed me to see that Christ is being exalted and glorified in the Boston through the diversity of our expressions of adoration and praise.”
-Kerline Jean-Louis, Kingdom Collaborative Network
“It was nice to see how the Gospel of Jesus is proclaimed in the heart of the city. I also enjoyed worshipping with jazz music!”
-Karen Vargas
“Taking part in UB Holy Week was a rewarding and enriching experience. I connected with other believers who are seeking an intimate relationship with God. This experience encouraged my faith and showed me that there are others who believe.”
-Cathy Brea
“It really enriched my faith to join the worship of another denomination because I was able to see how God is so totally working well beyond my preconceived notions of what faith is and how it’s lived out. Perhaps because the service was quite different from what I am used to, I was even more aware and engaged in worship and not just going through the motions. Thanks UB!”
-Haile Hendricks
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