God has already done so much through these 10 Days of Prayer!
UniteBoston seeks to be an answer to Jesus’ prayer in John 17 “that we would be one.” We believe that our part in this “oneness” is to nurture relational connections throughout the diversity of Boston’s Christian community.
At the center of Christian unity is the agape love that God has for us and that we have for one another. As each of us step outside our comfort zones to become more aware of the various cultures and Christian traditions in our city, we develop stronger relational connections, cultivating mutual respect and honor for the incredible diversity within the people of God in Boston.
Check out these testimonies to see all that God is doing to bring together His church in the city:
Day 1: Healing Miracle in Prayer Room
Night 3: Experiencing the Orthodox Faith – Changed Perspectives!
Night 4: Worship with our Deaf Brothers and Sisters
Day 5: Answered Prayer: Testimony from Prayer Room
Night 6: Changing Perspectives from 10 Days Catholic Gathering
Night 7: Photo from Orthodox Gathering
Night 8: Taize Prayer in MIT Chapel
Night 8: Food and Fellowship with the MIT Lutheran/Episcopal Ministry
Night 9: Passionate Worship with Symphony and City Church
Night 10: Embracing our Common Identity in Christ
At this gathering, we each placed our name tags with our individual identities at the foot of the cross, so that we were better able to embrace one another as brothers and sisters in Christ:
Reflection – Aaron’s Story
Aaron shares how listening to a sermon by an Episcopal priest reshaped his perspective of the Christian church
For He himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility… His purpose was to create in himself one new humanity out of the two, thus making peace, and in one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, by which he put to death their hostility. (Ephesians 2:14-16)
Praise God for the inseverable and eternal peace that is revealed as we all gaze at Christ’s sacrificial work on the cross!
It was great to be a part of this! I especially appreciated the fact that Deaf people were involved this year, and not just as spectators but contributors! Keep up the good work!