“Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice.” (Philippians 4:4)
We had an amazing time hosting the “Again I Say Rejoice” concert on the waterfront with families, college students, and everyone in between! This year, we were joined by local musicians, singers, dancers, and poets who brought their amazing talents to the UniteBoston stage. There were 15 different organizations hosting ministry tables surrounding the perimeter of the gathering, 30+ members of a community choir, and hundreds of attendees and passersby who stopped by for a portion of the evening to listen to the music, learn about the various organizations in the city, or receive prayer.
Read on to see photos and read personal testimonies about the impact of this gathering! You can also click here to listen to the playlist for the concert on Youtube!
“This gathering was amazing and I know so much work must have gone into it… So cool to see a united Christian presence downtown. I had several conversations with folks passing by who were curious… What a huge opportunity for the church to come together… Thanks for all you did to make it happen!!!”
– Lisa Oelrich, Executive Director – Alpha New England
“The joy I saw at Unite Boston was unlike “normal” worship I’ve been part of! The diversity of music and people truly demonstrated the expanse of the family of God. I sang in the gospel choir, and there’s something about gospel music that just drops all your anxiety about “performing” and instead brings us all into a moment of shared worship. Truly an encouraging and uplifting experience!”
– Ben Hampson, Riverwalk Church (formerly Highrock Brookline)

“This was a beautiful time of worship with a diverse community. I loved seeing people walking by downtown and then deciding to engage with the music and the message!”
-Caleb McCoy, Emmanuel Gospel Center, Rapper, producer, and creator of The OAK
This year, we brought together the community and had the opportunity to make room for ministries from across the city to share their mission with the city.
“The concert was a really good time! It was nice to catch up with some long-time ministry friends. The weather held off nicely, and the music, as well as the rap songs, were awesome. I really noticed a very diverse crowd stopping by to listen to what was going on. My sense was that people who might not normally go to church were intrigued and stopped to listen, some of them sitting for awhile. Folks in the hotel next door were also commenting on the concert. You guys really shined the light out there in Boston! Great job, God bless you all!”
-Bruce Swan, Victory Church in Sharon
There were a lot of great moments of rejoicing:

We also had the pleasure of building a community choir that brought together members from Gordon College God’s Chosen Gospel Choir and members of the community who have a passion for worshipping God.
“It was an absolute blessing to worship the name of Jesus in the middle of Boston!! Working the Gordon booth, and as an alum myself, it was a gift to see so many Gordon students and alum engaging with the community as worshippers themselves! I met a family that heard the worship from across the street, and they stopped by and stayed the rest of the night. They were from out of town and were so amazed by the faith we have here! God is doing big things in the city of Boston.”
-Deborah Sullivan, Assistant Director of Admissions Events and Strategic Partnerships, Gordon College

“I was on the prayer team and we went around handing out cards before the event as well. We met a lot of people, including someone I met who had volunteered with Spring Water (the new after-abortion clinic) and I was able to get them connected with Boston Center for Pregnancy Choices! We met a few people who said they were not religious but were still open to receiving prayer and they seemed to be thankful for the prayer afterwards. This concert was a great way to connect with Christians and also non-Christians in a fun setting.”
-Adele Chang

Alexis Monroe and DJ were the MCs for the event and Jubilee Worcester’s dance ministry brought their liturgical gifts during the program intermission along with Boston Found acapella group.

“I’ve been a Christian my whole life, grew up in a Christian home, and have been attending church ever since I was very young. I’ve only been to one Christian concert before this event. Attending the “Rejoice” concert made me realize that yes, Sundays are the main days for church, but worshiping God can really happen anywhere, at any time, and while I’m doing anything, and if that means singing out loud in the middle of a park in Boston then that counts too! This was impactful for me because I’ve always had the stereotypical thought that Sundays in general are the main days to worship God, but that’s definitely not true. The more we involve and invite God into our lives and worship Him everywhere we go, the more we can continue to glorify His name and show others His love for us.”
-Melody Kwong, Boston Chinese Evangelical Church

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