
Repentance 2021: A Lenten Preaching Series

The invitation of Lent to repent and return to the Lord is the same every year, but we come to this invitation this year in the wake of the overlapping pandemics of COVID-19, racism, climate change and disinformation. How shall we answer the ancient invitation faithfully in this particular season of our common life? This […]


February Thrive and Grow Gathering

Join us for a morning of discussion and prayer with fellow entrepreneurs. This month we have the pleasure of hearing from Dr. David Gill, a leader in the Christian business and Faith and Work field. He'll share his perspective on Workplace Discipleship, and the ways that we can be ambassadors for Christ in our work. The […]


Fair Food Program: Justice for Farmworkers

The Coalition of Immokalee Workers’ (CIW) Fair Food Program is a unique partnership among farmers, farmworkers, and retail food companies that ensures humane wages and working conditions for the workers who pick fruits and vegetables on participating farms. It harnesses the power of consumer demand to give farmworkers a voice in the decisions that affect […]


A Conversation about the Dr. Henry Louis Gates’ PBS series on: The Black Church: This Is Our Story, This Is Our Song

Virtual , United States

In celebration of Black History Month, City Mission Boston and Old South Church invite you to join us for a virtual panel discussion and conversation about the history of the Black Church in America. This discussion will follow the PBS Series, The Black Church: This Is Our Story, This Is Our Song from executive producer, […]

Be the Bridge for Boston Part 2: Housing Justice

This spring, UniteBoston is hosting a 5-part speaker series to help people understand various initiatives that are happening in Greater Boston towards systemic racial justice and nurture friendships across churches for accountability and support in actively working towards reconciliation, equity, and justice in our day-to-day lives. In this second session, Traction ministry's Leslie Moore, Carla […]


ISBCE Dialogue: Critical Race Theory

Join us for the upcoming ISBCE Dialogues, "a monthly series of informative, captivating and educational dialogues with national & international thought leaders on relevant topics impacting the global Church and the Black Christian Experience.” These Dialogues are 100% FREE and 100% VIRTUAL. These events are streamed LIVE on the ISBCE FaceBook Page and the ISBCE YouTube Page […]


All Ethnicities Needed for Christian Film

Still Small Theatre is currently casting for a film adaptation of the musical The Diary of Perpetua, which tells the story of an early North African martyr. We will be […]


Dr. Casely Essamuah on Christian Collaboration

On March 5, Dr. Casely Essamuah will give a presentation about new forms of mission and Christian unity. Dr. Essamuah is a graduate from the Boston University School of Theology and currently the Secretary of the Global Christian Forum, a movement that has many synergies with UniteBoston's work. The event will take place at 8am […]


A Long Repentance Cohort Group

People talk about issues of race and justice in the United States as issues of ‘justice and injustice.’  Sometimes we launch into debates about ‘the proper role of government.’  But is that the original framework from which these issues were asked and debated? The purpose of A Long Repentance: Exploring Christian Mistakes About Race, Politics, […]

Launch of the Codman Square “Can We Talk?” Program

Codman Square Can We Talk? is a safe place to share your story and have your voice heard and welcomed. It is a community-based, clinically-supported program that increases awareness and understanding […]


Lazarus at the Gate

Online Online, MA, United States

Lazarus at the Gate is an 8-week small group study that challenges participants to live more simply, generously, justly and gratefully.  We examine scripture and the realities of our world and together consider how to live and act like Jesus did. For the first time we are offering an online group beginning March 10th. Click […]

The Church and Migration: A Proactive Response

What is the role of the Church in an age of increasing global migration? Join us for a discussion on the reality of migration, a Biblical perspective on immigration, and […]


UB Dialogue Workshop: Skills for Bridging the Divide

Are you dismayed by deep differences in your congregation or its surrounding community, and the way we seem to speak “at” each other rather than “with” one another? Could you […]


Mission Spiritualities in a Time of Global Trauma

The 32nd Annual Meeting of the Orlando E. Costas Consultation on Mission and Ecumenism How are we managing the virus around the world amongst different cultures? Hear faculty from Boston […]


PEER Servants Concert for Global Empowerment

The PEER Servants Concert for Global Empowerment is a virtual event that will include music, dance, poetry, Scripture, volunteer testimonies, and stories of kingdom transformation.  Learn how you can join a community that is embracing, experiencing and extending more of God’s kingdom here on earth.  Discover how volunteers just like you are using the skills […]


Survivor Share with Route One Ministry


Join Route One Ministry on March 18th at 10:00am via zoom as we highlight the realities of trafficking here in the US and hear Tricia Grant's own story of being […]


Beginning of the Beginning – Movie Premiere

Tremont Temple Baptist Church 88 Tremont Street MA 02108, Boston, MA, United States

Beginning of the Beginning is a movie that brings a message of hope in these unsettled times. The global outbreak of COVID-19 Pandemic brought enormous health crisis that claimed millions of human lives around the world. This development left families, communities, nations, and the entire world in fear, confusion, helplessness, and uncertainty about the times. […]
