“When I pray, ‘Lord, bring me into your oneness and align my will to yours,’ I find that this moves me toward others, even those that I disagree with, and it leads me to draw closer into relationship with Jesus.”
As Christians, what should our posture be towards those that we disagree with? Scott Brill is our guest blogger this week, providing some insights into navigating the tension between agreement and friendship that doesn’t end in stalemate. Scott is the director of The Initiative, where individuals “covenant together to live in an intentional initiative, practicing deep and growing friendship with God and others, that the love of Jesus might exceed all divisions.” Read below and watch the video to hear his insights on how the practice of cultivating friendship through disagreement embodies the way of the Trinity.
P.S. The Initiative is hosting a local retreat in Worcester on September 15 & 16. If you’re interested in learning more about how we can live out this unity as Christians, join us!
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