The following blog is written by Kelly Steinhaus, team leader of UniteBoston and coordinator for 10 Days Boston, which was ten days of worship, prayer and fasting that happened in churches throughout the city from September 4-14. You can follow her blog at
There are certain moments that have a profound effect on you, and last night was one of those moments.
We were at a beautiful large Catholic Church in Needham. Stained glass, incense, white robes, the works. As we prayed in the sanctuary earlier in the day, the light streamed through the colored windows like a giant kaleidoscope. There’s something about Catholic architecture that makes my heart sing.
It was the first time that the Catholic Church had partnered with 10 Days Boston. We were excited about the opportunity, but weren’t really sure what to expect. Although I always enjoy going to mass, I tend to get really lost with all the standing up and sitting down, and I say the wrong thing at the wrong time. I wasn’t prepared at all for the way God showed up in the service that night.
A small crowd of about forty gathered in the pews at the front of the sanctuary. A candle was lit, and the melodies of the organ filled the room. But something was different. What blew me away was the sense of the presence of God as we worshipped. I have never known hymns or choruses could be so alive – we were filled to overflowing with the intimate communion of the Holy Spirit. He was there.
Rev. Dr. Nicastro shared a beautiful homily on Christian unity, that unity is simply seeing Jesus in others. When we do this, we will start to understand that no parts of the body are dispensible. Because Jesus is at the center, the closer we are to Him, the closer we are to one another.
Some intercessions were shared, and we responded in chorus together, “Look on us with favor Lord, and hear our prayer.” It is so true what Father David Michael said, that the way to Christian unity is not through theological discussions, but through prayer.
It’s easy to look around the church and doubt if Christian unity will ever actualize. In many ways we are so far from Jesus’ prayer that we would be one as He is one with the Father. But that night, as all of us said the Lord’s prayer together, forty voices in one, I had a revelation that yes, we are all in this together. God is doing a great work in our city, and age-old walls of hostility are demolishing because of our shared love in Jesus Christ. We really are united in His love for us and our love for one another.
May He continue to bind our hearts together so that the world will see Jesus…
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