“Let not the wise boast of their wisdom, or the strong boast of their strength, or the rich boast of their riches, but let the one who boasts boast about this: that they have the understanding to know me, that I am the Lord, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight.”
Jeremiah 9:23-24
In early June of 2020, as the country grappled with multiple murders of unarmed people of color, including George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and systematic oppression of those peoples, former Patriots player Benjamin Watson reached out to local clergy proposing a united prayer gathering for racial justice. Nine days later, over 1,000 people spanning race, denomination, and age gathered to worship the God of justice and call forth the need for reform in our city.
In a city where Christians are known what we are against rather than what we are for, we were also excited to see local news and press cover this story. There was a huge spread in the Boston Herald, and it was also covered in the Boston Globe and MassLive, as well as through Channel 5 News, Channel 4 News, and Channel 7 News.
This event was hosted by a variety of local organizations, including UniteBoston, Boston Collaborative, the Black Ministerial Alliance, SEND Boston, Greater Things for Greater Boston, and other local churches.
Below are some of our favorite photos from the gathering – more are available on our Facebook album here.
Also, click on the button below to check out UniteBoston’s Racial Justice Page and Wall.
“I was moved to tears at this event, and deeply deeply encouraged and inspired. Having grown up in the Greater Boston area, I would’ve never imagined this possible — Christians across different denominations, race, and backgrounds coming together to praise God, seek His shalom for this city, and invite more of us to the table in a biblically-grounded way. I want to see more of this in the city!!!!”
Seongkyul Park
“I felt this was a very powerful way to share our faith in a public way as well as unite against racism.”
Kaitlyn McCarthy, New Hope Chapel Norwell
“It was great to be around my friends and a bunch of other believers worshiping God and praying for the city especially since we’ve be in quarantine for so long. This event was a good distraction from all the stress and anxiety of the world.”
Mykaliah A Best, Holy Tabernacle Church
“Worshipping together with people all over the city reminds me of glimpses what it will be like to worship together in heaven one day — all praise and glory be to Him!”
Rachel Murphy, Executive Assistant, Charles River Church
“I have definitely missed gathering together with other Christians for a time of worship and prayer. This blessed my soul as well as ignited me to take action and bring awareness to social justice issues.”
Alicia Wells
“It was wonderful to have a Gospel-led outlet for all of the feelings and thoughts that have come up during this time. I left feeling Spiritually-fed and inspired to continue seeking change, racial justice, and shalom flourishing for our entire community.”
Ashleigh Pelto, Life Community Church
“I felt the Holy Spirit moving and it was incredible! Now we need to continue the momentum to bring change!”
Amanda Gonnella, All Saints Anglican
“I loved hearing the Black church profess Christ in the midst of so much persecution and recent murders of black people by cops.”
Natasha Cassamajor, Church of the Cross
“It gave me so much hope! If the church is actively dismantling racism we are moving in God’s direction and cannot fail.”
Beverly Byron says
The church should be leading the way in unity through prayer and action!