Churches are joining together in united prayer in response to the tragedy in Charleston.
As UniteBoston, we too stand alongside the African American community mourning the loss of our nine brothers and sisters. We grieve for the families who have experienced loss through the shootings in Charleston, and we also grieve for the prevalence of hatred, violence, and racism in our nation. Lord, have mercy.
This Sunday, June 21st, the Imago Dei Community is inviting the Christian community to participate in the One Church Liturgy. They write: “This liturgy is a site dedicated to assist the church to stand together in unity using a common liturgy as we raise our voices as one in times of lament, grief, tragedy and celebration. It is a resource for churches to mobilize in our common faith in Jesus.”
If you will join in this prayer gathering this Sunday, please post a statement on the Facebook event page that they have set up.
As UniteBoston, we affirm the promise of hope in the midst of trials and suffering. Noel Castellanos from the Christian Community Development Association writes, “At this time of lament, we grieve, embracing the promise of Jesus, ‘Blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted.’ We are not paralyzed by fear, hatred and violence, but we rise with courage and determination to take action: we pray; we mourn; we organize; we advocate; we restore; we enter into the pain of those who suffer for the sake of His glory.”
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