No place like home? Deliberation and prayer for the Boston Housing Crisis

Sattler College 100 Cambridge Street, Suite 1701, Boston, MA, United States

How do you solve the No. 1 problem facing Massachusetts?  We don't know. But we know Someone who does. What would it look like for everyone in the city to have a place that feels like home? What, objectively, are we asking God to do here? What does God want me to contribute? What can you contribute […]


Fall Open House at Sattler College

Sattler College 100 Cambridge Street, Suite 1701, Boston, MA, United States

Sattler College is inviting you to join us for two days to visit our campus, participate in student life, and tour the city of Boston. If you are a prospective student or a parent, pastor, or teacher of a prospective student, you won't want to miss it! Here is some of what we have planned: […]


FaithTech Summer Meet-Up

Sattler College 100 Cambridge Street, Suite 1701, Boston, MA, United States

Are you a Christian who works in tech? Passionate to see technology leveraged for the Kingdom of God? Hungry to learn what it means to be redemptive and to build technology redemptively? Come meet, learn, and build with other like-minded Christians in tech as we steward our skills for the glory of God together right […]


FaithTech Summer Meet-Up

Sattler College 100 Cambridge Street, Suite 1701, Boston, MA, United States

Join us to learn more about the mission and vision of Faith Tech with our guest speaker, Kevin Burgess, Director of Global Communities at FaithTech Global. Kevin has been part of the leadership at FaithTech since 2019, and he has a passion to see God blurring the boundaries in peoples’ lives across their faith, vocations, […]


Sattler College – Open House

Sattler College 100 Cambridge Street, Suite 1701, Boston, MA, United States

Deciding where to go to college can feel daunting. Questions about dorm life, financial aid, living in Boston, student community, classes, and impact on faith abound. That's why Sattler College […]


FaithTech Boston Launch

Sattler College 100 Cambridge Street, Suite 1701, Boston, MA, United States

After months of prayer, planning, and preparation, FaithTech Boston is launching on Tuesday, September 26. FaithTech is a global tech community for Christ. We exist to help people in the […]


Presidential Luncheon for Christian Community Leaders

Sattler College 100 Cambridge Street, Suite 1701, Boston, MA, United States

Join us for an awareness luncheon with Zack Johnson, President of Sattler College. The program will include a special conversation about the history and mission of our school, as well as an opportunity for community leaders to network and learn more about Boston’s newest Christian College. Zack Johnson has served Sattler College since its founding […]

FaithTech Boston

Sattler College 100 Cambridge Street, Suite 1701, Boston, MA, United States

Vision: meeting other believers passionate about technology in Boston and exploring the potential of building a regular FaithTech Boston community. Agenda: Eat Dinner Together Learn - what is FaithTech? Presented by Founder James Kelly Meet one and pray together Discover what it could look like to do this more often :)


Sattler Talks: Missionary and Author Pablo Yoder

Sattler College 100 Cambridge Street, Suite 1701, Boston, MA, United States

Pablo has a proven track record for living out Jesus' teachings on loving your enemy in classic hypothetical "what would you do" scenarios. He has written about some of these […]


Sattler Talks: Engaging the World for Christ

Sattler College 100 Cambridge Street, Suite 1701, Boston, MA, United States

We are delighted to announce that guest speaker Dr. Dennis P. Hollinger will give a lecture at Sattler College on Thursday, February 28, from 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. Dr. Hollinger is the President of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in South Hamilton, Massachusetts, and will be speaking about his work, Head, Heart, and Hands: A Theological Paradigm for Christian […]
