Nurturing Relational Connections Across Boston's Christian Community
Praise Report: UniteBoston is Changing LIves in Boston!
UniteBoston’s Top 5 Highlights
from 2014!
Thanks for being a part of this mission to better unite the Christian community in Boston through shared experiences.
We are connecting all to Jesus, His people, and His causes to transform all of Boston.
In John 17, Jesus prayed: “May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me."
We believe that UniteBoston is being used to help answer Jesus’ prayer. Here’s why:
More than 63 churches working together with 10 Days Boston!
We coordinated the 4th annual 10 Days Boston, involving more than 63 different churches from 4 major Christian streams in ten consecutive nights of prayer and worship throughout the body of Christ.
Testimonies of God changing lives
”I had a personal transformaion in my understanding of people from the Catholic and Orthodox traditions, and I now understand how important it is to form friendships based around Jesus, not on our differences.“ – Sung Yun Lee
"I always love to worship with people who are not like myself. There’s a richness and beautiful harmony present when different groups come together.” – Kaci Norman
John Armstrong, Director of ACT 3 Ministry, visited Boston in November. John speaks highly of UniteBoston’s ministry in his blog here
In 2014, we initiated UniteBoston Reps!
UniteBoston launchedsix UB Reps last February, who build relational connections among neighborhoods. Pastors are exploring the possibility of the UB Reps of the UB Reps coordinating a city-wide day of service for every Christian in Boston!
The next UB Rep cohort will begin in January. If you’d like to learn more about being a UniteBoston Rep for your neighborhood, simply reply to this email!
In 2014, the UniteBoston team had 81 one-on-one meetings with ministry leaders in the city. It’s awesome to hear what God is doing from His people!
461 Christian events & 22,018 Website Visits!
During 2014, there were461 different Christian eventsposted to the UniteBoston calendar and 22,018 visits to our website – an increase of 27% from last year!
Thank you for sharing your events with the Christian community in Greater Boston – New connections are forming because of you!
Want to further unity in the city? Forward this newsletter!
We encourage you to forward this newsletter to
10 friends.
There are so many people throughout the Christian community who have never heard of UniteBoston and would be blessed to hear about how God is working throughout the city.
We dream ofBoston transformed by the gospel of Jesus Christ.
We know that this transformation will not take place through any one church or denomination, but through all of us working together for the kingdom of God.
It’s not easy, but it’s possible. Would you join us by remembering us in your year-end giving?
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