After Work “Share & Prayer”

Hill Memorial Baptist Church 279 N Harvard St, Allston, MA, United States

Hill Memorial Baptist Church in Allston cares about families, singles, students, seniors, young adults... ALL people including YOU! We each share a common experience in God's presence. Please come by for our: After Work "Share & Prayer" with Rev. Catherine M. Miller, Assoc. Pastor Thurs. 10/25 @6:30 pm Enjoy refreshments...enjoy inspiring music from guest worship […]


After Work Share & Prayer

Hill Memorial Baptist Church 279 N Harvard St, Allston, MA, United States

Hill Memorial Baptist Church in Allston, cares about ALL people, that means YOU too! We welcome you to the 2nd Community Share & Prayer gathering with Assoc. Pastor, Rev. Catherine Miller HOPE is our theme! Come to be encouraged and encourage some else! The gathering is informal. Enjoy FOOD and LIVE Christian music*. Take part […]
