Theology on Tap: Transforming the Supernatural in the Reformation

Carrie Nation Cocktail Club 11 Beacon Street, Boston, MA, United States

The Church of the Advent's Theology on Tap returns Tuesday, April 17 with Prof. Carlos M. N. Eire Historian and Memoirist Carlos M. N. Eire opens the 2018 season of Theology on Tap with reflections on: "Transforming the Supernatural in the Reformation" One of the most significant changes brought about by the Protestant Reformation was a redefinition of […]


Theology on Tap: On Leisure

MAST Restaurant and Drinkery 45 Province Street, Boston, MA, United States

The Church of the Advent's Theology on Tap returns on Tuesday, July 31 at 7 p.m. in MAST' Restaurant and Drinkery The Lower Bar 45 Province Street, Boston, MA 02108 "And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And […]


Theology on Tap

Silvertone Bar and Grill 69 Bromfield St, Boston, MA, United States

If you were going to preach to a robot, how would you begin? Would you introduce the story of Christ as something that could be memorized and passed on? Would you introduce questions of personal behavior and identity? Could robots even understand such a thing? In this engaging talk, Dr. Kirsten Sanders will speak to […]
