Nurturing Relational Connections Across Boston's Christian Community
Join us for a neighborhood dinner in West Roxbury with other Christians on Monday, February 24th at 7:00 pm, hosted by Sally from Church of the Cross. The photo above is from the last UB Dinner in West Roxbury last year.
The goal for the dinners is to build relationships and to let our relationships inform our shared mission of revealing Jesus’ love within our communities. At this dinner, our conversation will be focused on catching up with one another’s lives (or getting to know each other for the first time) and discussing discernment, a topic that has been on many of our minds. How do we understand what it is to discern the will and call of God?
All are welcome, and if you live in the West Roxbury area, you’re especially invited to attend! This is a potluck-style dinner, so please bring your favorite side dish, drink or dessert. RSVPs appreciated by emailing Sally. See you there!
Click here for more information about UniteBoston Neighborhood Dinners, and to sign up for a gathering taking place in your neighborhood.
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