Nurturing Relational Connections Across Boston's Christian Community
The Rev. Rita Powell (Episcopal Chaplain, Harvard) has written a play, inspired by the writing of early Christian theologian Evagrius. We Say Various Things About Sleep will be presented outdoors (in Cambridge and in Fitchburg), with live music, on August 23, 24 and 25.
How does the body experience the spiritual? Do we know our own souls? How do we encounter the divine: through music, text, movement, nature? Evagrius was transformed by his time spent in reflection in the wilderness; we seek our own miniature transformations, spending an evening together in nature and art.
Enjoy a New England summer evening with theatre and music! Please do come early and bring a picnic. (Also, bring something to sit on! If you’re joining us in Cambridge, bring a picnic blanket or a folding chair. If you’re joining us in Fitchburg, there will be stone seats – but bring padding to sit on!)
Tickets are FREE (though donations are much appreciated!) You can find all details for We Say Various Things About Sleep at an Eventbrite page here
Please join us for a unique experience.
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