Nurturing Relational Connections Across Boston's Christian Community
An event every day that begins at 7:00 pm, repeating until February 22, 2020
An evening of student-written theatre featuring:
CANDLE, verbatim true stories about being afraid of the dark, devised by the cast
XX, by Trina Schell (graduating 2020). Liana is 20 and pregnant. Her journey of choices touches on family dysfunction, faith, and redemption.
PERSPECTIVE, by Trina Schell (graduating 2020). An abortionist hears voices, and a family discovers that a medical panacea doesn’t pan out as they expect.
Adults $10 in advance, $12 at the door
Students $5 in advance, $7 at the door
There will be an audience talkback after each performance.
CONTENT ADVISORY: XX and Perspective both address abortion and contain mature PG-13 plot elements that may not be appropriate for younger audiences. Please contact if you would like more details about the shows in order to make an informed choice about attendance.
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