Nurturing Relational Connections Across Boston's Christian Community
Please note that this event has been POSTPONED to a later date. Stay tuned to our website and newsletter for the next meeting, or email Aaron for more info!
Greetings Pastors and Ministers!
My name is Aaron Reeves and I have recently taken on the roll of coordinating Boston’s 10 days of prayer. I’ve worked full-time as a Missionary with Youth with A Mission Boston for the past 9 years. Like so many ministers I’ve met in this region, God called me to this place and began to plant incredible dreams in my heart for His purposes here. The 10 Days of prayer is, I believe, the vehicle God wants to use to fulfill one of these dreams! God has burdened my heart to see his Bride in Boston come together in the fullness of Unity that Jesus Himself prayed for in John 17; that “we would be one, even as Jesus is one with God and Holy Spirit”.
We would like to invite you, on Tuesday, June 27th, to a Luncheon at YWAM Boston. We will start at 11 with worship and around 12 enjoy lunch and fellowship. Afterwards, Luis Burgos, from City Wide Church in Bridgeport, CT, will be sharing about how God is using 10 days in that city to unify the Church and bring revival. Jonathan Friz and I will also be sharing the vision we have for Boston and how we all can take practical steps towards this dream! The address for YWAM Boston is 165 Sycamore St., Somerville and there is free parking in our parking lot.
I was at a parade last week and all I could think about was “Could the Church in our city do this? Could we fill the streets of Boston with a unified song of praise?”
I hope we can.
This is why I’ve aligned myself with the vision of 10 Days of Prayer. It’s a time and call for us as the Body to pause our busy schedules and seek the Lord together for the benefit of our city! God has a destiny for Boston, and if you’re recognizing what is going on across the Earth right now, you know God is stirring up the ancient wells of revival and calling His Bride to stand apart and walk into the destiny He has set apart for them. Our region is soaked in the history of awakening and revival! Boston once stood as a lighthouse to the world for the gospel, now it stands for Humanism. If we can unite and pray during these 10 days, I know God will spark a movement that will last much longer than 10 days; it will begin to awaken hearts to His will for our city and the revival we are praying for will be upon us. Boston can once again stand as a lighthouse for the Gospel!
We would like to invite you, on Tuesday, June 27th, to a luncheon at YWAM Boston, 165 Sycamore Street, Somerville. We will start at 11 with worship and around 12 enjoy lunch and fellowship. Afterwards, Luis Burgos, from City Wide Church in Bridgeport, CT, will be sharing about how God is using 10 days in that city to unify the Church and bring revival. Roberto Miranda, Jonathan Friz and I will also be sharing the vision we have for Boston and how we all can take practical steps towards this dream!
We encourage you to also pass this message along to anyone you feel may carry this burden! Please RSVP to the number of people you are bringing.
10 days is not meant to be a stand alone ministry; it is a call to the whole church to come together and pray!
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