Vision New England – Women in Christian Leadership – Leading Well Forum Series
In our rapidly changing world, women are learning how to draw from the attitudes and skills that are developed from our unique experiences as women. These distinct approaches to leadership achieve results, but often in different ways. We invite Christian women in leadership on church staffs or in non-profits to join us online this year to explore what it means to lead well. This is a great opportunity to hear their voice and share yours…to listen, ask questions, and reflect with peers so that your own leadership is honed.
On September 24th hear from Carolyn Custis James in on free, interactive zoom forum. God’s calling on His daughters is big. His plan from the beginning has been for his male and female image bearers together to reflect his heart for the world and look after things on his behalf. This is God’s call to leadership. Throughout scripture God often chooses the most unlikely people to advance his purposes for the world. Far too often human systems impede our ability to respond. How do we as women leaders confidently embrace our calling and encourage other women and girls to hear and step into their calling too? From her theological training and years of ministry experience, Carolyn will challenge us to accept these divine assignments.
Carolyn is an award winning author who thinks deeply about what it means to be a female follower of Jesus in a postmodern world. In 2013, Christianity Today named her one of the 50 evangelical women to watch. She speaks regularly at church conferences, colleges, and for other Christian organizations both in the US and abroad and is a guest lecturer at various theological seminaries. Her speaking and writing ministry is dedicated to addressing the deeper needs and issues confronting both women and men as they endeavor to extend God’s kingdom together in a messy and complicated world. Her books include Malestrom: Manhood Swept into the Currents of a Changing World and Half the Church: Recapturing God’s Global Vision for Women.