Thanks for your interest in serving with us for BostonServe!
Past Events:
- Cleaning and Painting at the Jackson Mann K-8 School (9/25/2015)
- Harvard Square Homeless Outreach (9/27/2015)
- Codman Park Clean Up (9/27/2015)
- Timilty Middle School – Painting, Cleaning and Carpentry (9/27/2015)
- Candelight Vigil on Warren Street (9/29/2015)
- CommonCare Dinner for those in need (10/7/2015)
- Bridge House Workday (10/10/2015)
- Painting and Cleaning at English High School (10/13/2015)
- Painting at A School in Somerville (10/14/2015)
- Visiting Elderly Friends (10/14/2015)