Revive Boston Conference 2023

Revere Hotel Boston. Common 200 Stuart St., Boston, MA, United States

You and your congregation are invited to join us this weekend on April 28-30 at the Revere Hotel Boston Common, 200 Stuart St. Dubbed, ‘Boston’s Pentecost,’ this weekend will be a time of encountering the Holy Spirit like never before. As a team of committed Spirit filled Christians, our vision is to see revival fire […]


March for Jesus Revive Boston 2024

Boston City Hall 1 City Hall Sqaure, Boston, MA, United States

Join us for this historic event Now is the time for revival in Boston. Join thousands of believers from across the region to reclaim the City of Boston for Jesus. The Lord told Joshua, "Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given you" (Joshua 1:3). This promise is alive […]